Group News
Andrew Appointed Examiner
Andrew Bloomer, has been appointed as an IAM Roadsmart examiner for both Cars and Motorcycles. He will continue his roles as a National Observer assessor and Masters Mentor, however, Andrew will have to give up his role as our group Chairperson and any active observers role he has within the group.
Andrew has been our Chairperson for the last 8 years and has helped develop and improve the groups standing during that time. He has helped many associates both cars and bikes to improve their driving skills to IAM standards and encouraged a great number of us to become Observers, National Observers or try for Masters training.
On behalf of the group I would wish Andrew well in his new role and say a big thank you from us all for everything that he has done for the Warrington Advanced Motorist Group.
Membership by Portfolio debut for WARRAM
(added August 2019)

Mike Lyne (left) presenting Liz Spence (right) with her recommendation for IAM RoadSmart Membership
Warrington Advanced Motorists has completed its first group sign off by portfolio. Mike Lyne, Local Observer Assessor (car), delivered the Advanced Driving Course to successful recipient, Lizbeth Spence. Andrew Bloomer, Chief Observer, was the other Observer involved. Pictured above is Mike (left) presenting Liz (right) with her certificate recommending her for IAM RoadSmart Membership by Portfolio. Congratulations to Liz.
If you want to find out more about the Masters, then please click here: