Car Course
So you are thinking about signing up for a Car Course with us? What actually happens?
- YOU will receive a pack from IAM RoadSmart containing, most importantly, your Course Booklet and contact details of your local Group (us I hope!)
- WE will be notified by IAM RoadSmart that you have joined and giving us your details so we can contact you and discuss when you can come and visit us and, more importantly, answer any burning questions you may have.
- YOU come along to our operating location (see page on Meeting Location) on a Sunday morning and we will do some simple paperwork and match you up with one of our experienced “Observers“.
- YOU will then go out in you own car on a short “Assessment Drive” with that Observer for a quick review of your driving. The Observer will then take you out in their car for a “Demonstration Drive“, hopefully along the same route, and talk about the differences in the driving style and where you could make some simple and beneficial changes.
- YOU will then be able to come along any Sunday and have more Observed Runs, picking up new skills and techniques as you progress through the modularised course detailed in the Course Booklet. The Observer will mark up your Course Booklet after each run, discussing the areas where you have done well as well as advice on what to read and practice before the next run. This is done in a very friendly and relaxed manner.
- YOU will receive a pack from IAM RoadSmart containing, most importantly, your Course Booklet and contact details of your local Group (us I hope!)
- Below is a copy of the Marking Sheet used. Please note that not all areas of the booklet are used on the first few runs – it all builds up gradually, but at a pace to suit you. After a while you will be declared “Test Ready” and will be advised to apply for your actual Advanced Test and we will continue to support you during the period waiting for your Test to actually take place. Remember that we have have a greater than 90% pass rate.
Advanced Driving Course Logbook Marking Sheet
Question – How long does it take to get to Test Ready?
Unfortunately, there isn’t an straightforward answer – it depends on you, what your standard of driving is currently, and how quickly you pick up the techniques we are demonstrating. It can be as quick as a 6 runs, the average is about 10 runs, but it may be a bit longer. We are all different of course.
Question – I have a modern Car with an Automatic Gearbox. Is that a problem?
Not a problem! – We have produced a Guidance Sheet that explains everything you need to know – Link HERE.
I hope we have explained what happens, but if you have any questions or doubts, please feel free to contact us for help.
If you haven’t already purchased your Advanced Driver Course, then below is a link to do so now.